Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sixteenth DATC Junto

Meeting Logistics: Tue, 11 October 2007 STAD 367 from 12:00-1:30pm For my last junto, there was interest in exploring Walter Ong's work on 'Technologizing the Word' and the notion of the secondary orality. Readings: Ong, W. (1982). Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. To access the reading goto (register and login) The main idea to focus on is on page 11 second paragraph, where Ong talks about the secondary orality of technology. Discussion Questions: What is digital literacy? Is that even an accurate term? Could we make an argument that students exist in a primary oral culture and therefore resist writing? While faculty exist in a secondary orality and therefore resist primary oral culture?(I know I'm differing from Ong's more rigid definitons of oral cultures here) What do you see as the inherent problems of a secondary orality? Moving beyond Ong for a moment, what does it mean that we treat computers as an 'other', instead of as another medium? What would a third orality look (sound) like?

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